Friday, 20 November 2015

Maths: Geometry

Here are some photos of us carrying out activities related to Geometry. We used toothpicks to make 3D shapes, created our own tesselations, used unifix cubes to help us draw 3D shapes onto isometric paper and made icosahedrons out of coloured paper.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Drive Time Projects

We have been carrying out a project called 'Drive Time'. This is a project that is 'driven' by the children themselves. They needed to come up with a 'need' for making their project, develop a plan (a sketch) of what they were going to make, write a list of equipment that they needed and come up with some step-by-step instructions that they would follow. There are lots of exciting projects being carried out! Luke, Tipene and Levi are making a go-cart, Twaritha and Crystal are designing a new clipboard to help them remember things, Nancy, Kacey, Tara and Jorjia are making a fake garden with a waterfall, Miyu and Maggie are making a photo frame to put their photos in, Finlay, Adriel and Yuri are making an origami display, Peter is making some toys for 5 year olds to play with, Bradley and Jack are making a paper mache dog for Jack's little brother, Amir, Cruz and Daniel L are making a paper mache volcano, Anthony, Nick and Simaima are making toys for little kids, May and Ahlianah are making a flower box for their garden, Gabriel and Daniel Y are making pot plants. Here are some photos

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Marshmallow Challenge

With our student teacher Ms Farmer, we completed a marshmallow challenge. We were given spaghetti, string, tape and 1 marshmallow. We had to make a free-standing structure that would hold our marshmallow. The winner was the team with the highest structure. It was so much fun! Here are some pictures.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Writing Instructions

In Term 4 here in RM 11 we learnt how to write instructions. We did lots of activities to learn how to write instructions, such as writing instructions for how to get from one place in the school to another, writing instructions for how to play Minecraft, sitting back to back and giving our buddies clear instructions to draw a simple drawing and writing instructions for how to catch a bus (linking with our inquiry topic of transport). In reading we read some instructions from some of the School Journal stories and made things like hacky sacks, paper cups, Icosahedrons, button bracelets and pop-up cards. These activities were so fun! When you write instructions you must remember to include a title, a list of equipment, sub-headings (equipment, method), numbers, verbs (doing words) and visual text (to help the reader). Here are some pictures for you to look at. By Jack, Brad and Anthony